Inclusive Education Partnerships for Awareness Raising

Project Duration: January 2013-March 2015

Donor: Department for International Development (DFID)

Area: Western Province -Karongi, Nyamasheke, Rusize, Rutsiro districts

Target Beneficiaries: 2216 (16 tutors, 200 pre-service, 600 in service, 400 children with sne and 1000 parents)

Project Goal: The participation of children with Special Educational Needs in quality inclusive education at basic education level is sustainably increased.

Project Summary: ADRA Rwanda in consortium with Handicap International is implementing inclusive Education Partnerships Awareness raising Consultation and Training Project (IE PACT). The project promotes effective teaching and learning by strengthening the capacity of TTCs to promote skills and tools needed to encourage inclusive education in schools. It also uses appropriate technology in education to provide cost effective training in IE methodology at school level and promotes accountability and empowerment through organization of advocacy for IE among stakeholders from district to community level. In partnerships with DEOs, the intervention targets education provision at the levels of teacher education and primary education through observations of best practice. Former KIE now Rwanda University college of Education is providing continuous professional training of SNE/IE to tutors of Mururu and Rubengera TTCs who in turn provides training to pre and in-service teachers at TTCs. They also through teacher-facilitated workshops, mentoring and reflective practice at school level, strengthen the capacity of their peers to provide quality education.