Main Cross-cutting Issues
Equity and Equal opportunity
Our interventions in the community will consider Advocacy as cross-cutting issue where the community is stimulated through community dialogues to identify, analyze, prioritize, create solutions, plan and implement them. It is having a voice for the voiceless and empowering the community to have a voice where there is none.
Governance and Human Rights
ADRA Rwanda’s activities build the capacity of stakeholders in the governance of their groups and respect for human rights.
Age-Gender Mainstreaming equality and equity (AGM): Our programs are age appropriate, gender sensitive and gender inclusive.
Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV)
Our intervention takes a holistic approach to addressing SGBV, aiming to bring appropriate child protection and care for survivors. Working closely with the community and individual capacity to prevent future acts of rape and abuse.
Peace building, Conflict Mitigation, and Resolution
Our initiatives aim to identify, prevent, and solve conflict–creating harmonized and peaceful coexistences.
Sustainable Development
Our interventions respond to the present needs without compromising the needs of the future generations.
Environmental Protection
ADRA Rwanda’s projects and programs incorporate strategies to preserve and improve natural resources.
Technology & ICT
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has a key cross-cutting role to play in our interventions supporting businesses, education, health, climate change adaptation, and skills. The development of ICT capacity will be essential for reaching the goal of transforming Rwanda into a knowledge-based economy.
Completed projects under Cross-cutting Issues