Ubuzima Bwiza Project

Project Duration: April-December 2013

Donor: Polish AID

Area: Kayonza District

Target beneficiaries: The targeted beneficiaries for this project were 530 HHS of people living with HIV/AIDS. Among them, 468 were female and 62 were male headed HHS.

Project Goal: Contribute to improved hygiene and sanitation situation for PLWHA households in Kayonza district.

Project Objectives: To strengthen community capacity by promoting and maintaining good sanitation among PLWHA households in Kayonza district by 2013.

Project Summary: ADRA Rwanda proposed “UBUZIMA BWIZA” Project II geared towards contributing to the improvement of Hygiene and sanitation situation among PLWHA households to benefit women, men, and children in530 households in Rukara, Gahina, Mwiri, Mukarange and Murundi sectors of Kayonza district. With the goal of contributing to Improved hygiene and sanitation for PLWHA households in Kayonza district. The project was implemented over 9 months period and directly be contributing to the achievement of GoR Vision 2020 cross-cutting issue no.2 regarding the protection of environment, as well as MDGs 4 and 6, hence hinged on government priority areas. Project achieved 541 pit latrines constructed.