Project Duration: September 2013 to February 2014
Donor: WFP & World Vision
Area: Kirehe and Kayonza districts
Target Beneficiaries: The total beneficiaries for this project were 6152. As we following detail: (696<5 girls), (657<5 boys), 775 (5-18yrs girls), 719(5-18 yrs boys) and 1613 women and 1692 men.
Project Goal: ensure that food storage and distribution is carried out with standards in Rukara and Kiyanzi camps
Project Objectives: To supervise, monitor and distribute food items to forced returnees. Monitor the nutritional status of the most vulnerable groups in the two Rwandan forced returnees transit camps (<5, PLW)
Project Summary: The project addressed the urgent need of supervising and distributing food items to forced returnees for the overpopulated area of the former transit camp of Kirehe and newly established Rukara transit camp in Kayonza district in the Eastern province of Rwanda.