I am called Annociate Mukamunana. I am a Congolese refugee living in Gihembe camp. I am a mother of three with the eldest being 23 years old and the youngest being 11. Within the camp, I am one of the Camp committee members as a representative for the disabled persons.
Speaking as parent and as a camp committee member, I would say that the School Feeding Programme (SFP) which has been running for the last 3 years has been a great relief to parents and the children. It has helped keep many children motivated to go to school and to keep in school. Some years ago, refugees with children used to receive some flour (SOSOMA) for porridge. This was stopped sometime thus increasing the risk of children falling into malnutrition.
Thanks to the School Feeding Programme being implemented by ADRA where parents long for when their children turn 3 to qualify to attend the Early Childhood Development (ECD) program where they are provided with highly nutritious porridge.

Before the School Feeding Programme was implemented, we had cases of many children refusing to go to school. However, the situation changed when ADRA started to provided porridge at school. Children are motivated to go to school now and parents do not need to struggle any more. You see children waking up early and running to school because they know they are going to get what they wouldn’t get at home. This program is helping in maintaining children in school.
The other thing that the school feeding program facilitates is the closeness and friendship which comes as a result of sharing. The risk of children getting malnourished due to poor feeding especially those that attend the ECD i.e. between 3 – 5 years is eliminated.
As a parent and leader, I would like to extend our gratitude to the ADRA and World Food Program for the School Feeding program that helps our children pursue their education!!!
Reviewed by: Francoise Murekatete, SFP Project Manager
Prepared by: Martin Rutazigwa, M&E officer