My dream after school is to become a doctor

I am called Josiane Uwuduhaye and I am 14 years old. I am Rwandan and studying in Groupe Scolaire Kageyo together with Congolese refugee students from Gihembe camp. I live in Kageyo village, Nyamiyaga Cell with one lady that I am not sure of how we are related. My three sisters and I started to live with her in 2016 after our mother passed away. We are seven children at home and my sisters and I are the youngest compared in the family.
Three of the five schooling children do benefit from the School Feeding Programme because we come to this school which takes us about an hour to get here. Being in primary six which is a candidate class, I have to leave home at 5am so that I can be at school by 6am.
I leave home without eating anything and I have to stay at school for the whole day. If it wasn’t for the porridge provided through the School Feeding Programme, learning would be very difficult for me and other children from in the same situation of poverty and vulnerability. Sometimes we go home and there is no food which means sleeping on an empty stomach and we are motivated to come to school because we know there is porridge. Because of the porridge, you can then study and keep alert in class. The School Feeding Programme reduces the burden on the family because for us to come to this school do not need to be catered for during breakfast or for lunch.
My dream after school is to become a doctor so that I can be able to relieve people suffering from different diseases such as malaria, diabetes and the like!
Reviewed by: Francoise Murekatete, SFP Project Manager
Prepared by: Martin Rutazigwa, M&E officer