Sponsorship Project (2014)

Project Duration: 1996-2014

Donor: REACH Italia and private individual donors

Area: APADE School, ESCAF School, Kagasunzu Adventist P. School in Ngoma, Nyarungenge, and Gatsibo districts

Target Beneficiaries: 494 orphan and other vulnerable children (226 girls and 268 boys)

Project Goal: To improve the current and future well-being of orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda through provision of primary and secondary education

Project Summary: The sponsorship program covers two components: Orphans and Vulnerable Children Education and Gift in Kind. OVCE: ADRA Rwanda has since 1996 implemented an OVC Program through various donations from individuals and foundations supporting vulnerable students and schools. Reach Italia, and private individuals’ partnership with ADRA Rwanda Sponsorship program implement education programs in 111 schools. This program supported education at two levels with focus on primary and secondary.