Rwanda Eastern Province Women Literacy Project
Project Duration: 1 July 2011 to June 2014 Donor: DFID through ADRA UK Area: Eastern Province districts of Bugesera, Gatsibo, Kayonza, Kirehe, Ngoma, Nyagatare, and Rwamagana Target Beneficiaires: 5600 learners (80% female), 140 instructors, 28 CSO staff, 102 women district council leaders, 102 district education staff Project Goal: Increase adult literacy rates to 90% by […]
Learning Environmental Adaptation for Food Security
Project Duration: December 2012 – March 2014 Area: Gatsibo and Kayonza districts in Eastern Province Target Beneficiaries: 6080 households (36480 people). Particular attention was given to households headed by women, with children under 5, with people living wit HIV/AIDS (PLWH), and with elderly people through 136 cooperatives in 13 sectors. Project Goal: To increase food […]
Sponsorship Project (2014)
Project Duration: 1996-2014 Donor: REACH Italia and private individual donors Area: APADE School, ESCAF School, Kagasunzu Adventist P. School in Ngoma, Nyarungenge, and Gatsibo districts Target Beneficiaries: 494 orphan and other vulnerable children (226 girls and 268 boys) Project Goal: To improve the current and future well-being of orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda through […]
Ubuzima Bwiza Project
Project Duration: April-December 2013 Donor: Polish AID Area: Kayonza District Target beneficiaries: The targeted beneficiaries for this project were 530 HHS of people living with HIV/AIDS. Among them, 468 were female and 62 were male headed HHS. Project Goal: Contribute to improved hygiene and sanitation situation for PLWHA households in Kayonza district. Project Objectives: To […]
USAID Ibyiringiro Project
Project Duration: August 2008-June 2013 Donor: USAID/PEPFAR Area: Gatsibo, Kayonza and Nyagaare districts in the Eastern Province Target Beneficiaries: 2,033 (27 Associations and 9 Cooperatives) Project Goal: Ensure high quality, sustainable, comprehensive services are improved for People living with HIV and AIDS and orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda. Project Objectives: Ibyiringiro project support people […]
Youth for Unity Project
Project Duration: 1st April to 31st December 2013 Donor: DANIDA through ADRA DK Area: Kamonyi and Muhanga districts, Southern Province Target Beneficiaries: 935 youth, 437 females and 498 males Project Goal: Youth in Rwanda are active players in the economic development of their local communities and are dynamic participants in the ongoing reconciliation processes. Project […]
Global Fund SSF/HIV
Project Duration: 2010-2015 Donor: Global Fund through Ministry of Health Area: 30 districts, 416 sectors Project Summary: The project works to reduce stigma among people through the 416 sectors of Rwanda. We set up 14,400 condom outlets in 30 districts, male circumcision campaigns in 14 prisons targeting at least 32,000 prisoners.
Inclusive Education Partnerships for Awareness Raising
Project Duration: January 2013-March 2015 Donor: Department for International Development (DFID) Area: Western Province -Karongi, Nyamasheke, Rusize, Rutsiro districts Target Beneficiaries: 2216 (16 tutors, 200 pre-service, 600 in service, 400 children with sne and 1000 parents) Project Goal: The participation of children with Special Educational Needs in quality inclusive education at basic education level is […]
UNICEF Early Childhood Development

Project Duration: January-December 2013 Donor: UNICEF Area: Bugesera district, Rwamagana district Project Goal: Support government Programme of Early Childhood Development by construction of classrooms and outdoor plays and provides a range of programs and services designed to ensure children get the best possible start in life. Project Summary: The Government of Rwanda recognizes that young […]
CFGB Kuraneza Project
Project Duration: July 2014 to June 2017 Donor: Canadian Food grains Bank through ADRA Canada Area: Eastern Province, Kayonza District, Ndego Sector Target Beneficiaries: 2050 households (approx. 12300 individuals) Project Goal: Improved nutrition for at least 2050 HH members, particularly pregnant and lactating mothers and children under the age of 5, in the Ndego sector […]