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ProFuturo : Digital Education Implementation, Follow up and Evaluation

ProFuturo is a Connected Learning Project implemented by ADRA Rwanda with financial support from ProFuturo in partnership with UNHCR. The project has started to operate in MAHAMA refugees camp primary schools and host communities since May 2021 and the main activity of the project is to assist teachers and learners of upper primary level (P4 […]

From the 7th to 8th of December 2021,ADRA Rwanda in collaboration with WFP through the Warehouse Management and School Feeding Project conducted a two day training on Nutrition, Health and Hygiene in Rubavu District. The purpose of this training was to strengthen and equip the staff for improved performance in their day to day work […]
DAFI: Antoinette Muhorakeye’s Story

My name is MUHORAKEYE Antoinette, I am 24 years old. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Civil, Environmental and Geometrics Engineering and have graduated on 29th July 2016. It was in 2012 after being granted to continue my studies in University (UR/ Nyarugenge Campus the former KIST) where I have gotten the first marks at […]
DAFI: Emile Ndahunga’s Story

If you have ever been a refugee of any kind, I have no doubt in my mind that in one way or another, you are aware of how tough it can be to get an education and a degree at that. Well, this page you are reading encloses nothing else than the success stories of […]
DAFI: Magari’s Story

By the life of struggle, of bad conditions, living with no vision, no sight to see at the end of the shore where I was willing to stand due to racism of my country due to our ethnic, DAFI has come to my life as a blowing wind of summer to wet the sweating body, […]
Action for Social Change (ASC)
Project Duration: June 2010 – Dec 2016 Donor: DANIDA through ADRA Denmark Area: Karongi and Nyamasheke district in the Western Province, Nyagatare District in the Eastern Province. Kamonyi and Muhanga Districts, Southern Province Target Beneficiaries: 550 Community Based Groups and Cooperatives in the area of operation. 16450 women, 17016 men Project Goal: A strengthened, vibrant […]
EKN-Nutrition Program
Project Duration: November 2013-December 2016 Donor: Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands through UNICEF Area: Gatsibo and Kamonyi districts Target Beneficiaries: 13888 (5 children and 17,360 pregnant and lactating women Project Goal: To contribute to the reduction of stunting rates of children under-five in Rwanda from 44% in 2010 to 24.5% by 2017 in accordance […]
Education and Social Infrastructures Construction Project
Project Duration: January -December 2013 Donor: UNHCR Area: All 5 refugee camps and Nkamira transit center in Gisagara, Gatsibo, Nyamagame, and Karongi districts. Project Goal: Provision of physical infrastructures to refugees and hosting community that will enable them the fulfillment of social cohesion and integration through children education and common space sharing. Project Summary: The […]
Construction of Pre-Primary Classrooms
Project Duration: 4 months (2014) Donor: UNICEF Area: Mugobwa refugee camp in Gisagara district Target Beneficiaries: Approximately 596 children between the ages of 3-5 and their families have access to integrated early childhood development services in Kigeme Camp Project Goal: The long term expected result to which this intervention contributes is that all children in […]